Master How to Generate Leads with a Virtual Assistant

 Ideally, you’ll be getting a consistent stream of leads for your business without having to do anything yourself. But, how is that possible? Have you considered outsourcing your lead generation to a virtual assistant for lead generation? In this guide, we break down exactly how to generate leads with a virtual assistant.

Finding a virtual assistant that specializes in lead generation can be a process in itself, not to mention having to train them on your processes. That’s why your best bet is to use a service like Wing, where we match you with a vetted and trained virtual assistant who specializes in exactly what you’re looking for. Here is how to generate leads with a virtual assistant and scale your growth.

In a nutshell, what is lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of finding potential buyers for your product or service. They aren’t a guaranteed sale, but they are interested in what you have to offer, and by nurturing them effectively, you can increase the chance of conversion. Successful lead generation involves attracting the most likely prospects and capturing their details so that you can start moving them through your sales funnel. Depending on your business, your methods for generating and converting leads will vary, but some common strategies for lead generation include:

Why use virtual assistants for lead generation?

There are many different components to lead generation, and you’ll have the most success if you employ as many tactics possible to generate quality leads. The first thing to know about how to generate leads with a virtual assistant is that it’s time-consuming. Writing an onsite blog to get subscribers, engaging with people on social media, doing research, and reaching out to potential leads can be a full-time job in itself. But it shouldn’t be yours. There are other aspects of your business that require your full attention, so we recommend outsourcing your lead generation to a virtual assistant.

Save Time and Effort in Reaching Out to Leads

Not only does outsourcing save you time and effort, but you can also hire someone who is an expert in lead generation. Unless you are running a lead generation business, it’s likely that lead generation isn’t your area of expertise. But it is someone else’s. By using a virtual assistant for lead generation, you will have a creative professional who is dedicated to staying engaged with your leads. And consistent communication with your leads is essential if you want conversions.

Also, by hiring a virtual assistant for lead generation, you can be confident that the leads you get are quality, making it easier for your sales team to convert them. The last thing you want is tons of leads who don’t care about what you have to offer because you’ll waste time and resources trying to convert people that never will.

Since a virtual assistant can focus solely on obtaining leads with a defined consumer profile, you will have a much higher chance of converting them.

Once you’ve hired a qualified and experienced virtual assistant, they can get started on your lead generation tasks. There are many different ways virtual assistants can generate leads for your business. Here is how to generate leads with a virtual assistant:

Offload laborious outbound marketing tasks

Outbound marketing is one of the most laborious components of lead generation. But, it is a necessary one. It takes more time, effort, and strategy to generate leads from outbound marketing, and it’s never guaranteed to work. Inbound marketing is where the customers come to you when they need you, meaning a higher chance of conversion. Inbound includes things like blogging, SEO, and email marketing (that leads have opted in for).

Outbound marketing includes advertising, networking, cold emailing/cold calling, and direct outreach. Finding the right people to market to with these tactics can be difficult, so having the help of an experienced VA is extremely valuable. Here’s some more information about how to generate leads with a virtual assistant, through outbound marketing.

Lead research and qualification

As we previously mentioned, if you’re marketing to the wrong people, then you’re wasting your time, money, and effort. If you have a dog food brand, you need to market to people with dogs. And a virtual assistant can help you find the dog owners. Using thorough research strategies, your virtual assistant can effectively qualify potential leads, ensuring that they are your target audience. They can find the people who are searching for an answer to a problem that your business helps to fix. The only leads that will make it through the filter of your virtual assistant are the ones with a high percentage of conversion.

Cold-calling and cold emailing

No one enjoys receiving a cold call or cold email unless they actually need what you have to offer. Cold calling is called “cold” for a reason. They don’t know about your business, nor have they proactively made an effort to engage with you. And there is a good chance they might not turn into a customer. But there is still a chance. Just as people aren’t overly enthusiastic about receiving a cold call, it can be equally as uncomfortable to do the calling or emailing. An experienced virtual assistant who knows how to talk to people confidently can make your cold calling and cold emailing much more effective.

Making follow-up emails or calls

Once you capture a lead, it’s vital to continue to engage with them. Consistency is key to keeping your business top of mind and ensuring your prospects don’t forget about you right away. Sending follow-ups likely falls to the bottom of your priority list since there are a million other things to do, and you’ve already captured the lead, so there isn’t as much pressure. But not sending follow-ups can be a big mistake. Having a virtual assistant on board to take care of follow-ups for you will dramatically increase the chances of converting your leads.

Offload time-consuming inbound marketing tasks

Equally, if not more important than outbound marketing, is inbound marketing. The leads you generate with inbound marketing tactics are more likely to convert than those from outbound marketing. That’s because they came to you first, meaning they’ve already shown interest in what you have to offer. Now you just need to convince them to stick around! If you’re considering how to generate leads with a virtual assistant for lead generation, below are some of the inbound marketing tasks that you can assign.

Social media management

One of the most common ways people discover new products/services is via social media. We spend hours a day scrolling on our phones. Whether you spend your time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, a good chunk of our phone time is spent on social media. Even if people discover your product in other ways, they will likely go check out your social media before making a purchase. If your social media profiles are inactive or the content is low-quality, then it’s a big red flag to potential consumers. The odd post now and then won’t do it either.

Consistency is one of the most important aspects of increasing visibility on social media.

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